The quality of M.A.SILVA cork stoppers results from the focus of our business strategy, centered on Research, Development and Innovation.

Grainlink grinding cork
NOBELTECH Technology
negative carbon footprint



The more we evolve, the more we challenge ourselves to evolve. At the end of the day,everyone is rewarded: employees, customers and also our planet.


We are not the biggest. We are the best. We don’t do a bit of everything. We make cork stoppers. We are not a group. We are apurpose, by nature and for nature.


All our stoppers are the result of a serious commitment to quality, but not all of them serve the same wine or sparkling wine. It is necessary to understand each need in order to find the best alternative.
natural cork stoppers


sparkling wine cork stoppers

VIVA® Sparkling Wine

technical cork stoppers

SILKTOP® Technical

micro agglomerated cork stoppers


colmated cork stoppers

EVACORK® Colmated


Demetri Walters – Master of Wine

Natural or alternative? In the interview with Master of Wine Demetri Walters, an in-depth discussion on the role of closures in wine today, from their impact on tasting and changes in production styles to a focus on fortified wines, following the event organized by the Portuguese company M.A. Silva in Italy.

Austro Vin Tulln

Austro Vin Tulln – February 1-3, 2024

M.A.SILVA will be present at the Austrian trade fair Austro Vin Tulln, showcasing the latest technological developments of the Group. From February 1 to 3, we look forward to your visit! You can find us in Hall 6 / Booth 637.

M.A.SILVA hits new heights

Article from The Drinks Business magazine about M.A.SILVA and sent by email in September 2023.

VITeff – October 10th to 13th, 2023

M.A.SILVA is present at VITeff – International Exhibition of Sparkling Wine Technology in Epernay, Champagne region, France. Visit us at booth E58!

Demetri Walters – Master of Wine

Representative of several international brands and with many years of experience in the art of wine tasting – highlighted on their social media the work that M.A.SILVA has been doing in the production of high-quality cork stoppers. Read the full article.

M.A.SILVA hits new heights

Founded fifty years ago by current chairman Manuel Alves de Silva, M.A.Silva is one of the few independent companies in the cork sector.

The Portuguese company has grown to become a global player, and now offers fully vertically integrated production, from stripping the cork from the trees to end-product delivery, with outposts in four continents. However, its ambitions reach further than production volume. M.A.Silva has already broken ground in the cork industry: its Onebyone system ensures individual cork analysis for TCA detection with parts-per-trillion sensitivity, its Sara Advanced technology ensures sensory standardisation and Dynavox leads the sector in cork raw material sterilisation.

As the company’s operations develop, investment in technology is crucial to its work. Since 2020, M.A.Silva has invested more than €15 million (£12.8m) in Neotech, its technology to help guarantee TCA-free cork stoppers. Sustainability is central to M.A.Silva’s future plans. In using 100% natural cork, the company works with a product that is 100% reusable and recyclable.

Cork forests absorb millions of tons of carbon dioxide each year, providing biodiverse natural habitats for wildlife including insects. A recent assessment by KPMG has found its overall production process to be carbon negative, bolstered by continued investment in renewable power sources and energy efficiency. In recognition of the company’s bumper year, the drinks business spoke to CEO José Silva about its plans.

M.A.Silva continues to grow year on year. On what scale is the company operating?
José Silva: So far this year, we have harvested 700,000 arrobas of cork, which is equivalent to 10,500,000 kg of the material. This ensures, and continually strengthens, our delivery capacity.”

What does that equate to in terms of the number of closures created?
“We saw the sale of more than 700m cork stoppers in 2022. Around 12m of these were processed using the Onebyone individual analysis system, and our corks reached more than 40 wine-producing countries, with a total of more than 8.000 customers, in the four corners of the world”

Beyond upping production, which other targets have you achieved this year?
“Never before have we felt we are contributing so much to the sustainability of our business model, and to the wellbeing of our teams. Such an extraordinary social and environmental contribution is distinguished by our corks being a natural product with a negative carbon impact. This is our commitment to present and future generations, to the development of our society, and to a better world.”

You have evolved a lot in the past 50 years. What ethos is guiding your plans for the next 50?
“It is our name in the world that I want to preserve. That is the company’s future heritage.”